
adventure…. mid-week quote

you will be hearing me talk read a lot about adventure….. 
because i am about to head for one… very soon. i am excited and freaking ouuuut! i won't tell you quite yet what it is, but i will tell you that i am sure there will be lots of new exciting post coming from it. 

what was your adventure today?


a bit of drama

lately my make-up has been very minimal…. so the other day i was in the mood for a little bit more dramatic look.

just remember: "all drama must remain on stage!"

skin: for  a more intense make-up look like this i like the skin to be very even too. that means revlon, photoready bb cream, skin perfecter with spy 30 under bare essentials, bare minerals, original foundation broad spectrum and for that extra little drama-factor benefit, 10, bronzing and highlighting duo

eyes: once again i used all that glitters by mac as the base. with a medium eyeshadow brush i placed a silvery-purple (unfortunately it was a special edition) pigment by mac on the movable lids. and incase you think that i ooonly use name-brand make-up…… i'll prove you wrong. the eye liner i used is by a total drugstore-cosmetics line… p2. i really like their fantastic chrome kajal eyeliners though and this one is 060 black granite. i pulled it generous along both lash lines and then smudged it with my fingers, before coating my eye lashes with mascara. (was having a bad-lash-day……..)

lips: i filled my entire lips with mac's lip pencil in night moth and then painted lipstick in media over it. 

and i guess the bitch-face just came with the look…. jk. 

summer in the city

the weather has been so beautiful here in new york.i have been spending most of my time outside enjoying the summer in this magical city.

have a beautiful weekend! and if the sun is not shining where you are then you will just have to shiiiiine yourself!



like good-hair-days, good-skin-days come out of nowhere… but if they do it is aaaawesom. and the other day i was having both. the saaame day.
in those cases you don't want to mess around too much......

for my mane i used a little of osis, dust it on my roots and baxter of california, clay pomade in the lengths of my hair. 

i didn't use foundation on my skin, but just sculpted it lightly with benefit, 10, bronzing and highlighting duo

my eye-make-up i also kept quite simple.... with mac, paints in stilife as the base and all that glitters eye shadow in the crease. after pulling a delicate line along the upper lash row, with liquid liner i coated the lashes with mascara, while leaving the bottom bare. 

the eye shadow colors i am using lately are mac's embarc and deep damson

and once again....... stila, stay all day liquid lipstick in aria. because, if you have a product that you get compliments on basically every time you wear it why not wear it..... all the time?

now all you have to do is throw on a cute outfit and you can take on the world (or you know..... something that comes close to that.) i had a lovely dinner with friends... met new people and went on a two hour midnight stroll across manhattan bridge.

so ladies and gents, when your next good-hair/skin-day comes along make the best of it and have fun!


warrior... mid-week quote

new-blonde... part II

i did not forget a bout my friend anna.... here is part II

so just so you know... i have the biggest girl-crush on this lady ....totally not trying and still so bad-ass.

very bare eyes and stained red-brown lips. it is not easy to go soooo bare on the eyes.... this was me having a go at something similar. and then there was also this look, (peeeersonally (on meeee) i like it much more...) that you could see pre-mascara-application on instagram.
 and of course blondes can totally pull off a good classic smoky-eye... usually with a natural or nude lip... but you know it is all bout what-the-hell-you-wanna-do and what makes you feel like the-badest-bitch-that-ever-walked-this earth
smoky-eyes come in any kind of variation... soft...or  matte... or brown...... even blue and sparkly.

what i love abut this look is the extra attention that was paid to the skin... to make it very even but not giving it a mask-look, but rather a healthy dewy finish.
when i go for something like that i use the products i listed in this post.
aaaah, this look is just so nice and fresh and spring-licious..... natural eyes, matte skin, coral cheeks and lips
unfortunately i do not have a lovely matte-bright-coral lip color, like the one cara is wearing.... (i am still in love with both the nars, velvet matte lip pencel and the stila, liquid lipstick that i have been pondering over what color to get next, anyway.) maybe i need to make a stop at sephora on my way home and give this one or this one a try?
the spring looks i haaaave been doing lately are more with subtle colors on the eyes.

but blondies, feel free to go even more colorful!
apparently i looooove purple eye-shadow. looking back through my make-up post i see it quite a bit..... like way back in this post from september, and my instagram in october (when i kinda looked like a getto-fabulous mechanic) and of course (still one of my go-tos) that melting pigment thaaang. even a purple cat-eye..... oh! and lets not for get that time i channeled cynthia.
geeeez i was not aware that i had this problem.... jk. the funny thing is that in all of these looks i used one of the oldest products on my make-up table.... this eye shadow pen that (at least in this form) sephora does not even carry anymore.
and finally, i can tell you one thing..... red lips neeeeever fail!

these two have really been saving me a loooot lately..... because i am priiiitey much doing this ....like every day.
i feel like i should end this post with a blond-joke..... would be so nice and 90s. funnily enough someone just told me one the other day, that (of course) i can't think of it now.... but i am sure you all have one in mind. go tell it the next person you come across and make them smile....


green fuel...

over the past months i have been working out more than i ever have in my life. not because i think i haaave to, or because it is what you are "supposed to do".... but it honestly really makes me feel good and it fills me with pride when i see how my body has change. together with working out at (five to seven times a week) i also wanted to fuel my body, the right way. i stopped trying all those eating fads (that are just out of control, here in new york...) and i learned to listen to my body (not something i am generally toooo good at) and i noticed that a lot of the things i was eating just didn't make me feel satisfied or good.

i have tried a lot of different pre and post work-out foods.... which are especially important when i do back-to-back classes, like yoga and pilates). (if you follow me on instagram) you might have already noticed that i am totally addicted to juice press...

i can't tell you how much i looooove drinking body fit before my workout. it is soooo delicious (even though i do not(!) like fennel......) (and i am not just saying that.... i promise! i would neeever spend ten(!) dollars on something that doesn't taste good and make me feel great.) it really really energizes me without weighing me down. after my classes or my morning run i have found that the remedy is what my body really needs. recently, i have started adding hem protein to it (....which you may or may not like).
 (still haven't found the magic potion to help me master my yoga-goal-pose... pada urdhva dhanurasana. jk... it's not magic... it's practice... i know. which will make it that much more rewarding when i do finally get that leg in a perfect straight line up the sky.)


new and old love....

you know how people say that being in love inspires and makes you glow and all that? well i agree. because i have a new love and it's making me freakin excited and energized. i am talking about my newest girl-crush.....
i have been crushing on debbie harry and reeeeally hard on charlotte carey (can't believe i haven't told you about her before....) for a while now. so that's kind of how this look came about that i have been rocking lately.....
this week i found someone new to add to my bad-ass-beauties lineup..... buuuuuut for the purpose of suspence aaaand so i can have some more time to stalk her.... i will have to introduce her to you later.

and just incase you were wondering.... i am wearing marc jacobs sunglasses, an old army jacket (that my mom hates) ans my make-up was basically this. my hair is a mix of yoga-sweat (don't judge, i looove my post workout hair) and baxter of California, caly pomade.


cheshire.... love at first sight

it's my weakness..... jewelry. or strength... however you look at it. (and shoes ...but that's another story)
over the weekend i did a little shopping in my hood. i walked into the rising states and after browsing through the clothe racks (i have trained myself to not check out the jewelry first... i would never buy clothes) i had a look in the glass case and saw a bunch of coooool-ass pieces, and had the lovely sales girl michelle  (...we bonded quickly) pull a couple out. but these farris earrings were love at first sight.... so perfectly random... and minimal... and unique...... and i immediately didn't care about anything else in the store or how much they cost......

you can find them (in silver) here.

and thanks michelle for this lovely instagram......

oh yeah! and "i got baaangs!" (little legally-blonde-moment.....). well.... i cut them myself over the bathroom sink... with kitchen scissors..... et voilà.


midnight stroll.....

last week i couldn't sleep.... instead of watching real housewives of orange county (don't judge.... it's my guilty-pleasure... and you never know.... you might find inspiration.) i decided to take a midnight stroll around my hood..... 


new york... july 1st... all pictures taken by me


good vibrations....

i have been a little run-lazy lately... and you know i am all about not forcing yourself to workout. i think a reason could be this (lovely) heat aaaaand that i am a kind of sick of my work out music.....
but after watching don jon* over the weekend (my 4th of july weekend was filled with popcorn-and-wine-movie-nights. (when i wasn't watching soccer or finding vintage treasures and.... eating (of course!)) i found a song that will deeeeefinitely get me back on the treadmill...... good vibrations by marky mark and the funky bunch
also, for all you young-cats who only know this lovely gentleman as mark wahlberg... yes, pre acting carrier he was marky mark... a rapper and did adds for calvin klein underwear.
now if this song doesn't make you want to go for a good-old run or at least put you in a good mood for this monday morning and these pictures don't.... uuuuuhm "inspire" you to go work out.... then i don't know........


new-blonde..... part I

 remember my friend anna i told you about, who is a new-blonde and asked me for some make-up ideas to go with her new mane? here are some looks that iiii would play with if i were currently blond....

i always like strong (on the verge of clumpy) lashes and bright lips. it is not an a-looot-of-make-up look but the blond hair will make it look more bold (...and bold is goooood).

apart from the lashes, the eye make-up is rather natural... which reminded me of what i did here. the simplicity of it also is similar to my plain and simple post (that i still do aaaaall the time). to do the bright pink lips... instead of dragon girl (the perfect-red color i was wearing) you could go with 413 BLKR fuchsia (an online exclusive (why???) color of nars, velvet matt lip pencil)
 mary-kate olsen has a really nice look going on here....
darker brows, dark brown eye shadow (only on the movable lids), full eye lashes, natural skin and matte red lips
the lack of heavy foundation (a little sheer powder to fight the shine without covering the gorgeous freckles will do) and stained lips (i would try revlon, just bitten, lip stain + blam in forbidden)   keep this look natural. the dark-brown eye shadow is only spread on the movable lid and goes beautifully with the un-bleached eye brows and full lashes.
cameron diaz goes a little more glam with gold shimmer on the eyes and a good-classic-red lipstick.
even though i am sure a lot of you have worn red lips before, it is not so easy to get it this perfectly... the way they would wear it in the 50s (lets not forget our blond-muse marilyn)so here is a good-little-post with my classic-red-lip tutorial. for the eyes i would go with some sort of cream-shadow and rim the waterlines with dark brown eyeliner. for a more... lets call it..... complicated approach to the golden-y eye thaaaang you can have a look at what i did here.
oooor, beautiful-blond-ladies do a natural look... without being make-up-less or boring
for some similar looks i have done click here, here or here...
aaaaall about the lashes and lips....
this look (one of my favorites... by the way) reminded me that i should do this or this more often. sooo... seductive don't you think?
have fun playing with these ideas... even if you are not blonde. i will! ....can't let the blondes have all the fun, right? but if your were not feeling any of these looks... don't worry... i have moooooore. but four now i wish you a wooonderful summer-thursday and (if you don't get to see your beautiful faces, before) a fuuuuuuuun fourth!